Friday, November 12, 2010

The beginning... and a7x

Hello to anyone who might decide to read, or just myself to look back and laugh at myself when I gain more wisdom. I plan on posting one of these at least 3 times a week until I decide its done or it depresses me too much when I realize no one reads it. For today's post, I've "reviewed" a relatively new album out, Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare.
When I first heard the song "Nightmare" on the radio, it sounded like every other a7x song I had heard. As in, it didn't interest me in the slightest. However, recently, as I heard another song from the album, "Welcome to the Family," I began to show a little more interest, and then, upon closer inspection, found "Nightmare" was the number 1 song on the Billboard 200 in August. After buying the album, I've put it in my (small) list of albums I am willing to leave in my car to listen all the way through.
My favorite songs off of the mixed album are "Nightmare," "Welcome to the Family," "Fiction," and "Victim." "Fiction" and "Victim" are two of the slow songs on the album, and surprised me when I heard them. For an album that has really heavy and fast songs on the radio,  half the songs on the album were a welcome break from break-neck paced metal. "So Far Away" opens up to me similar to a Metallica song, making me think it was a cover, but I have yet to substantiate that idea. (I'm sure if you care to hear Metallica's music, you'll figure out what song it is, and if you don't like Metallica, you won't care anyways, so I won't bother sifting through a bunch of music I dislike to reference it properly).
All in all, this album morphs together really fast and hard songs and slow and beautiful songs. To any metal fan, or alternative rock fan, or, apparently, a large portion of the country, I would recommend acquiring this album.

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