Saturday, March 26, 2011

Call of Duty 37: Where does it end?

For those of you who don't know, the newest installment in the Call of Duty series (the 8th, to be exact) is set to come out November of this year, and is titled Modern Warfare 3 (All the games in this series are usually reduced to their acronyms, in this case, MW3). This would make 3 years in a row that a new Call of Duty game has come out before the holiday season.
Normally, there would be a picture of the game here, but seeing as they haven't released that yet(probably not a good sign), and downloading a picture of a previous game was more effort than it was worth, you get a bird instead.

To be stated, games are typically expected to have at least a few years in between each other, for various reasons. Generally, releasing another sequel a year later implies that the game was rushed, probably simply a re-skinned version of the last game, that will probably leave the serious players of said series sadly disappointed.

Why would they release a game that was shoddily thrown together and makes all their serious fans consider suicide? Well, that's a complicated question with a complicated answer.


Okay, I guess that wasn't that complicated, but before you put on your hippy "evil corporations being evil" hats, let me explain a little. In recent years, particularly after the release of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare(COD4), there has developed quite the different following behind the Call of Duty series. For lack of a better scientific term, I will use the socially recognized term, "Bro Movement". Thanks to this "Bro Movement," the companies making the games think that their games are still loved, when in reality, the people that will still play their games in a few years are now refering to the latest game, released last year, as Black (....). (The game is Call of Duty: Black Ops. Get creative with your rhyming, its a 4 letter word, you'll get it eventually.)

So, in short, the COD series has become a cool thing for everyone to enjoy. Which ruins video game quality.

                             For comedic relief, in between all my serious ranting.

Back to the corporations though. (Remember, still no hippy hats. Ever.) Now, if you aren't current on the Activision-Infinity Ward-Treyarch love triangle, just know for now that Treyarch isn't involved in MW3, which is a cause for rejoicing. However, Infinity Ward is "co-developing" the game with Sledgehammer. Nothing against Sledgehammer (mostly because this is the first time I've ever heard of them), but some speculation uncovers that this is probably just a show, both for legal reasons and to help sell the games.

I think that was all I had to rant about, good day to you all!

Also, for the record, I still play Call of Duty 4 on the computer, despite it being a dead game, thanks to 3 new titles that were far worse than it. I don't play any of the newer COD games anymore, unless I get desperately begged into getting xbox live again, then only MW2. No World at War or Black... yeah.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ramblin' Man

Woah, I am long overdue to ramble about something. Fortunately, I don't bother to keep to a schedule, since no one reads it anyways, and that's way too cramping on my style!

So, for today, while the most readily available rant is that of the evilness of dolphins, the last post I made (in December) was about the slightly more evil cephalopods, so if anyone is reading sequentially, 2 animal rants in a row may be annoying. I don't want to scare myself away, after all. So, I'll just ramble aimlessly.

Less than Current Events
Woo! Go Egypt! Overthrowing a dictator can be difficult, but doing it with absolutely no blood shed whatsoever? Very impressive.
Wait, did I say "no blood shed"? I mean, really you guys? We were so proud...
If you didn't catch that last joke, visit this to learn more.

In related news, Ahmadinejad, "President" of Iran, said in a speech during the Egyptian revolution, that the Egyptian people should continue their struggle, because, paraphrasing, democracy is good, and so is freedom. Yes, the largest dictator in the Middle East, who, only a year and a half ago, forged election results to stay President and brutally put down riots over his forgery, told the Egyptian people that democracy and freedom are good.

Of course, not to be outdone, the Iranian people took to the streets to protest their dictator being in power after Egypt's success, and guess what? Not 24 hours after telling Egyptians to continue their struggle, he violently put down riots in his own country. Apparently, Democracy and Freedom are good ideals everywhere except Iran.

That looks long enough for me. I'll continue ranting at a later date, and eventually explain how dolphins are evil. Damn blowholes.
Also, if you found me interesting, give my friend Taylor a visit as well. He can be interesting, although he doesn't have pictures like I do!
Eh? Right? That's why I'm awesome. There also tends to be more pictures when I have a plan for a blog... so I'll have one before posting next time.