Saturday, April 16, 2011

More Cephalopods!

So, I know I said I wouldn't do animal stuff for a while, but I had to pseudo-update the cephalopods section.

I recently started playing Crysis 2 on the PC, after having only played the first one for a short amount of time, and then, only in multiplayer. This time around, I started with the singleplayer. The story revolves around the "Post-Human Warriors" of the human race (easily identifiable by the suits they wear, the NanoSuit) fighting off at first enemies of the United States, and then, as the game progresses, aliens. Kinda. I'm still not sure if they're aliens from space or if they were previous inhabitants of earth who have been hibernating for many years.
NanoSuit 2.0. Quite nifty, eh?
The interesting thing about these aliens is that the various people you meet call them the Ceph. (See where this is going?) Before having seen one yet, or having it explained, I had entertained the idea in my head that they were cephalopods. Made it more fun for me. Little did I know, they actually are highly evolved versions of cephalopods, as the scientist you meet explains near the beginning of the game! Your fellow marines also call them "Squids" which I suppose is easier to shout than Ceph. Maybe a little more intimidating. But anyways, you spend most of the game saving New York City from Cephalopods! IT IS AWESOME!
This is a dead one. They gotz teh robot limbs! Also, he is now named Squishy. >>
Also, the game is quite fun, and the multiplayer is an improvement over the last one, so I suggest it to anyone. I understand the graphics to be better on the PC, but I don't know for sure. Just sayin', no xboxin on me.

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